Eclipse survey 2010: Linux adoption as a development O.S. keeps going up

25 June, 2010 08:52:08 mangelcalvo  Eclipse  English  |  Comentarios (2)

There's a very interesting survey carried out by The Eclipse Foundation. The objective, guess tendencies in development tools, deployment environments, cloud computing, programming languages, etc..

One of the most interesting conclusions is that Linux is growing as the development O.S.

Image:Eclipse survey 2010: Linux adoption as a development O.S. keeps going up

The survey covers just a part of real world, because is focused in Eclipse world, so it's not taking into account .Net developers that I guess are also quite numerous. But its results are also very interesting in getting an idea in what's going on.

Digging into the details, I was looking for any reference to Lotus Domino or Lotus Domino Designer and I haven't found any, neither as a development environment (IDE) nor as a deployment platform.

I guess the survey is orientated exclusively to Eclipse fans that deal with J2EE environments and Java as the primary language being used. So, in my opinion, including Lotus as an option in the survey could bring Domino as an option in Java world a bit more of visibility.

I think this is something Ed and his team could consider to help Lotus expansion to this "far away" reign that Eclipse is .

[Via Nicolas Barcet]

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1) Eclipse survey 2010: Linux adoption as a development O.S. keeps going up
Juan F. Ruiz 25/06/2010 11:29:30

Hi, Miguel.

I have the same opinion ... But, you know, as commented in SLUG few days ago, for IBM, Lotus Domino/Notes is a Colaboration Platform for the end user with finished and customizable (by the user) applications and they is not promoting Lotus Domino/Notes as development platform ...

The next time i'll answer you in spanish because my english could hurt english eyes ... ( And there are a *LOT* of english eyes out there!)

Regards, Miguel!

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2) Eclipse survey 2010: Linux adoption as a development O.S. keeps going up
Miguel Angel Calvo 25/06/2010 11:37:28

.... but they should promote it.

Como diría mi primo, "A good inglish have you, joder" :-)

(En serio, Juan, tu inglés está muy bien.)


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