Error updating to IBM Notes 9.0

21 March, 2013 13:11:32 Miguel Calvo  9.0  |  Comentarios (0)

Today we've got a new release of Lotus Notes, IBM Notes 9.0, the first without Lotus in its name.

Upgrading from Notes 8.5.3FP3 is supposed to be smooth as always. But there is a little detail to be taken into account.

If you are a power user with Designer, Admin and multiple plugins installed, Notes 9 installer doesn't like IBM Connections 3.0.1  plug-ins.

If you decide to install the IBM Connections feature in your upgrade process

Image:Error updating to IBM Notes 9.0

you'll probably get an installation error with no way back :-)

Image:Error updating to IBM Notes 9.0

If you have  a look at C:\Lotus\Notes\Data\workspace\logs\error-log-0.xml or a similar file, you´ll find out that the reason was the Connector plugin

Could not install bundle ../../shared/eclipse/plugins/ Bundle "" version "" has already been installed from: update@plugins/

Image:Error updating to IBM Notes 9.0

The solution to this minor inconvenience is to uninstall the plugins from the "Add or remove Programs" option in Control Panel ( Yes, I'm still using XP, and it works fine so far )

Image:Error updating to IBM Notes 9.0

Then, just launch the installer again and select the option Repair and everything should be fine now.

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