How to populate Updates Section in IBM Notes 9.0 from IBM Connections

8 April, 2013 19:30:48 Miguel Calvo  9.0  IBM Notes  |  Comentarios (0)

Image:How to populate Updates Section in IBM Notes 9.0 from IBM Connections

At every IBM Notes 9.0 presentation we've seen the "Updates" tab in IBM Notes 9.0, where you could see your Home Page from IBM Connections 4.0 ( at least 4.0 CR3)

This is not a default option, and you can find how setup this scenario at this document: Adding IBM Connections Activity Stream and Embedded Experience gadgets to the IBM Notes Widget Catalog.

You can find further information at the wiki entry Integration with IBM Connections 4

My doubt is, are there predefined gadgets to connect to public places like IBM Greenhouse, DeveloperWorks or even SmartCloud for Business ?

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