XPages team is asking for how we are developing mobile applications with XPages

17 April, 2012 08:57:00 Miguel Calvo  mobile  XPages  |  Comentarios (0)

XPages team gave a presentation last week How IBM Lotus® Domino® XPages Became Mobile and now is asking for our feed back.

It's a good place to express needs and most demanded new features regarding mobile development with XPages.

This is the kind of feedback they are expecting:

If you are using the XPages mobile controls, are you using them from the Extension Library on OpenNTF or from 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 1?

Which mobile devices are accessing these applications (iPhone, iPad, Android...)?

What are your thoughts on the mobile controls that are currently available?

What controls would you like to see added?

Do you like having a theme that provides a native look and feel or would you prefer a common look and feel across devices (one theme for Smartphones, one for tablets)?

Please prioritize the following for future feature development: hybrid or offline
offline - ability to run an application locally without a network connection available, using an encrypted local data data store synchronized periodically with the server
hybrid - native app using web technologies for rendering. Allow the use of native features such as camera, contacts, push notifications etc. from the html, as well as its deployment from an application store.

Are you using the XPages Mobile Controls project from OpenNTF? If so, why?

Are you using a different JavaScript framework than Dojo for mobile web? If so which one and why?

This place could be a good one to tell them how XPages should evolve to level with other development platforms.

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